Having a BLAST learning: mentos and diet soda science experiment
Dropping a little white sweet candy into a big dark bottle of coke produces one of the most exhilarating effects: a big and watery explosion. Two mentoes – bigger explosion. Five – ogogogo! Behold and step back! With absolute certainty I can say that this science experiment was definitely a blast: mentoes make a myriad of memories and create a monumental momentum! Mentoes and diet coke rule – that’s my kids conclusion. One bottle. One pack of candy. And a little bit of science to it too? Mesmerizing!Supplies
Did I mention a pack of Mentos candy and as many bottles of diet coke as many explosions you’d like to create? This is not the first time we are indulging ourselves with this experiment, so I threw one new item into the mix that made all the difference: a Geyser Tube that I picked up at Michaels. The tube included another pack of candy. With a phone flashed coupon it came to about $4-5. Coke? I never buy one, so I had no idea: 3 2-litter bottles for $5. We also tested Diet Ginger Ale (2l) vs Diet Ginger Ale small bottle.
How is the Experiment Conducted:
A group of leading scientists in this field gathered in an outside facility. (noisily stumped into the backyard) All testing materials were neatly and accurately lined up for the experiment. (Bottles, Mentos, geyser tube got pushed around quite a bit)
Ground-breaking conclusions opened the doors to new discoveries.
(The most unexpected and fun part of the experiment happened when one of the mentos got stock in the neck of the bottle, resulting in a hilarious all around fountain as opposed to a strong upward geyser splash. Result – most giggles.)
Despite the strict safety measures in place, a great personal risk had to be undertaken to succeed with the experiment.
(While nobody got obscenely wet, with so much excitement spanning over the next few days, we managed to miss a schoolbus on one of the mornings when we were busy with our scientific explorations. Planning such experiments after school is quite an obvious bit of wisdom).

Such experimentation can provide multiple uses:- School Science Fair Project
- Simple Prank (we actually pushed a needle through one Mentos, put it on a thread and hang over a mouth of a bottle, holding the ends of the thread with the cap. When the cap was unscrewed, the person opening the bottle got a nice and wet bubbly surprise)
- Halloween show (we used the above Prank trick and a secretly dropping a few Mentos into the newly opened bottle for “bewitching our bottles and showcasing in front of happy crowd of wizarding school students as a part of Dumbledore Magic Presentation)
- Just Plain FUN!!!