How to Teach Your Baby To Swim by Douglas Doman

How To Teach Your Baby To Swim from birth to age six by Douglas Doman is a long awaited book on introducing newborns to swimming. A detailed set of instructions, beautifully illustrated with photographs, is separated into 8 chapters, having a chapter dedicated to each age segment. Well written and easy to understand, it has quite a lot of wonderful techniques:1 The downsides of the book were: Summary: if you have a newborn, and money or equipment for a tiny swimming baby – this book is indispensable. If you have a toddler who already has a beginner skills, not afraid of submerging his face into the water and you are looking for wonderful tips on how to improve his level, you would find a lot of useful information. If you are looking for techniques to improve your three, four, five… year old’s swimming level (i.e. your child already can swim by that age!), you still would find this book helpful. Otherwise I personally prefer the Learn to Swim (Dk Childcare) by Rob McKay and Kathy McKay. Other related resources:
  1. Learn to Swim (Dk Childcare) by Rob McKay and Kathy McKay (see more about this book in the article below)
  2. Water Babies: Teach Your Baby the Joys of Water- from Newborn Floating to Toddler Swimming Books by Francoise Barbira Freedman (I haven’t used this book, but I’ve heard some good reviews on it. You can find reviews at amazon, another at eopinions)
  3. Newborn Baby Swimming for few days/months old baby in a bathtub approach (unfortunately, video instructions are only in Russian)