Free Presentations – Teach Your Child Music: Doman Method

Doesn’t it seem that Doman has a method for everything? Either way sound good to me. Out of all the programs we do, this turned out to be the easiest and the most fun. Actually, Doman believes there are quite a few things you can get started with babies:
  1. Music appreciation and listening skills
  2. Developing the perfect pitch
  3. Note reading
  4. Rythm
  5. Musical Terms
Power Point presentations for teaching music

Music appreciation and listening skills

Well, that’s the easiest one: just turn on music and enjoy it! And Doman actually believes it is the most important part of musical program. So, a little more to it: We altered the approach a little: I also show the picture of a composer, say one or two facts about him and play one full composition of his (I pick small ones, such as Flower Symphony by Tchaikovsky from Nutcracker, or Toreador by Bizet from Carmen). We dance, bang the sticks, jump up and down, play with toys, or just hug. Or continue with our activities – eat, play, cook. Now whenever any of the Bach opening notes start up, my son starts screaming “Baaaaah!”, or whenever Carmen fragments are played, he is marching. For Schuman we jump up and down. For Schubert we try to bang waltz rhythm. For Tchaikovsky we spin in one place. Tons of fun! Supplies: you don’t really need anything if you’ve already got the music, but I found the following very helpful: Classic Composers (click on Products and pick Classical composers – they don’t allow direct links) This is a subscription for CDs and a little booklets about the composers. It makes it much easier for us: I don’t need to search for a suitable piece on my CDs, I don’t need to surf the net for pictures and facts. I get the whole package: picture, little booklet full of facts, and a CD where I can pick suitable fun piece. Though, honestly, I prefer different source for the actual music pieces: Bethoven’s Wig CDs. These CDs became our favorite since my niece and nephew got them as gift. So far I find them a lot more helpful for this program: the musical pieces included are short, fun, and we can listen to the funny songs written for those pieces afterwards. So, while I do use the previous set for pictures and melodies that I can’t find on these CDs, these are our primary “music donors”. Besides, I love the silly songs so much, that I don’t mind listening to them in a car over and over again, as long as my little music fan desires.  

Developing the perfect pitch

As far as I’ve read before, every child is born with a perfect pitch. Then our singing out of tune, and total ignorance of it usually gets him to lose it. What a pity, though I think the benefits of singing together outweigh the loss of perfect pitch. What is a perfect pitch? It is an ability to differentiate different sounds and know what notes they are. Doman actually recomends a program that helps develop a perfect pitch in children.
  1. You need a perfect pitch instrument: small xylophone that you can carry around with you.
      • We use Angel Glockenspiel 25 note xylophone This one was recommended to us by Perla, terrific author of TheClassicalMommy site. So far it’s been serving us very well – sturdy, compact, large selection of notes, sounds good.
      • Some people mentioned that an electronic piano also has a perfect pitch, but I am not sure how portable that is.
  2. To teach a newborn , pick 3 notes, name them and play them 10 times the first day, naming them each time. The next day pick three new notes until you’ve tought all that you have available. Keep cycling through this sequence for 3-4 weeks or even longer. To teach an older child, play and name your 3 notes 5-10 times a day for 5 day. Ona sixth day retire one of the notes and add a new one (same as with cards!)

Note Reading

Once you are done with perfect pitch you can start note reading: ability to “hear” pitches as you look at the written musical notation.


Two parts to it: the natural learning of rhythm in a melody and musical notation of rhythm. Natural rhythm learning: Musical Notation: … to be continued.