What kind of animal are you? Introduction to zoology.
After we finished Botany, we jumped right into the Zoology. I was surprised by how much we managed to cover, diving as deep as the vertebrates/invertebrates! However, we’ll cover them in more detail in the next unit.
We are still using the same PPT presentation about all the things we’ve learned: Vertebrates/invertebrates deserve a separate presentation but in the meantime, let’s get going with the first social mingling in zoology…
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Books: (we are great fans of some series that will follow. Great books that we fell in love with and don’t belong to any series are listed first)
Animal Explorers: A Walk in the Jungle – Board book (Apr. 26, 2007) by Dorothea DePrisco
This is a book and a game: there are puzzle piece animals at the end, that can be inserted in their “homes” – places in the forest/desert/etc throughout the book. At the end of the book there is also a special folding background that can be used just as a setting to play with the animals. Really fun and educational.
– Wildlife Explorer encyclopedia. Every six weeks arrives a package with three sets of cards about animals. Large picture of an animal at the front, drawing of animal details at the bottom, information about that animal’s behavior, habitat, young, etc. Fascinating and really good quality materials.
Uncover a T-Rex: An Uncover It Book by Dennis Schatz
There is a whole series of these books: it’s interesting how the insides of the animals are shown and the details about their internal organs/bones/skin, etc.
Magic Color Skeleton: Amazing Dinosaur Discovery by Shaheen Bilgrami, Treve Tamblin, and Mike Phillips
The inner pages shows the skeletons of most famous dinosaurs, but if you pull the insert – a reconstructed dinosaur is revealed. Fun pull in/out pages and seeing how skeleton becomes actual dinosaur.
DK books, Discoveries series by Barns & Noble, other similar series about specific animals.
Excellent animations about an earth worm, about honey bees, some games. We love that site. Registration required, but its free and I haven’t noticed any more new junk in the mail.
Magic School Bus: “Hops Home”, “All Dried Up”, “Gets Ants In Its Pants”, “The Busasaurus”, “Going Batty”, “Butterfly and the Bog Beast”, “Cold Feet”, “In a Beehive”, “Spins a Web”, “Goes Upstream”, “Cracks a Yolk”, “Goes To Mussel Beach”, “In The City”, “Takes a Dive”
We love all of these: they are filled with excellent images, fun info and great songs.
GeoSafari Talking Telescope
The eye piece feels like a microscope, but it’s large enough and well lit to see the insides really easily. Inside the large body – storage for slides with animals. Once the kid inserts the slide into the telescope (I guess “microscope” would’ve been a more appropriate title for this toy), they see a picture of an animal, or planet in the eye piece and hear some fun facts about it. Kids have to enter the code number of a slide and then either listen the facts, or answer the questions. Looks and feels like a toy, but greatly educational. In our house this one has been a great hit: not only my son loved it, we also lent it to many friends who were anxious to experiment with it by themselves.
African Animals – 24 pc Floor Puzzle
This puzzle contains pieces that are rather large and comfortable to handle; colors are bright and pictures of the animals look good.
Wooden Animal Nesting Blocks
Sturdy cardboard cubes of different sizes with large clear pictures of animals all over them. This set we started using when my son was just one and a half: at first he just liked nesting the blocks inside each other, later – stacking them. We were looking at pictures, discussing animals, sounds and actions, so in addition to small motor it was aiding his motor skills. Now, at four and a half, we are still using these cubes! Now we use them as a Montessori “pink tower”. As further extensions to these exercises, memory games could be involved: placing cubes on one matt and carrying them one by one to another matt to build a tower horizontally there. We also tried building a tower with a blindfold – very challenging and fun exercise. So, I am sure we’ll continue using these cubes for a while…
I take special pride of this presentation, since it has fun text, animations and lots of facts about the animals: Sea Creatures with Cat in a Hat
The Classical Mommy presentations
The Classical Mommy Friends’ presentations
Unit 1: Introduction to Biology & Botany.
I really liked having these prerequisites: Introduction to Biology, Botany (Unit1) and Anatomy (Bones). We used the following materials from the WorldWideMontessori class by Karen:
science of zoology tray (what it studies),
needs of all living things (air, water, food, reproduction),
live animal needs (our home pets and its needs),
scientific names (we expanded this lesson to get a little more of classification – more in our Introduction To Biology, Zoology, and Botany PPT),
three part cards of the horse,
introduction to vertebrates/invertebrates (that’s where our studies of Anatomy-Bones of the Human body came useful – I guess, thanks to that unit, the concept of a spine/no spine was very easy for my young zoologist).
We played and sorted the animals from the animal tubes, similar to these: Safari LTD Wild Toob
Introduction To Biology, Zoology, and Botany
This presentation is a summary of zoology, botany and biology introductory concepts. It has a little on scientific names and taxonomy, but I didn’t include vertebrates/invertebrates – they are really a topic for a separate presentation.
Hands On Experiments:
Sorting animals, identifying their needs
Local Aquarium field trip: plenty of vertebrates and invertebrates!