Doman method. How many times a day to show the flashcards?

That depends on you: as much as you both enjoy it. I also would love to find out how many times other mommies manage to do it, so if you have a minute, feel free to share it at our forum : it is very encouraging to everyone! One thing is certain: no matter how many times per day you do it, your baby will benefit from it. I’ve got to admit, I can’t do it more often then three times a day… Based on the wonderful recommendations Laurie Tiemens in her How Do I Start Showing Flashcards post, I do three rounds daily, at least 30 minutes apart: usually twice in the morning, and once after the nap. Now our round consists of: Wow, it really looks more time consuming on paper, then it is in reality: we usually manage to squeeze in some physical exercises (see Teach Your Baby To Be Physically Superb), playground time, walk in a park, games, puzzles, or even swimming! Honestly, I am sure most of you are doing a lot more then we manage. One thing is certain: on the days we have to skip our “program” for some reason, both me and my son feel… bored! No wonder so many moms go back to work – I am not sure I could stay home without something requiring so much creativity, responsibility and dedication – without so much fun! Yet, it doesn’t take that long and I do know some moms who manage to squeeze in some time learning together before work and right after they come home. It really doesn’t take all that long…