Top gifts for 2 year old boy. My son’s favorites.
The new toys are flooding the floors. The old ones are washed off to the sides. And once the wrapping paper, ribbons and other shreds of gift opening are safely picked up by the local environmental cleaning agency (another role assigned to mom on a regular basis), it is time to recoup which gifting treasures are here to stay, and which ones are lost out of site with the mood extremities of a newly two-year old.
Kids Rocket Playset – Wow Ronnie Rocket
When it comes to gifts, I am a wish-list/gift registry junkie: growing three boys, we have waaay too many toys, so I usually don’t like surprises. Surprises that yet again duplicate what we already have that is. And after three sets of birthdays, I realize with a horror, that there is a rare toy on a planet that we actually don’t have.

Magneatos Toddler Magnetic 30 pc Building Set
They stack. They come together in different ways. They can be built into little toy car garages, toy people buildings, cute little giraffe, funny looking objects. They are bright and colorful, easy for the little hands to handle. They become connected with a clunking sound (my toddler’s personal discovery and comment: clunk-clunk!). And they are magnets! And, as an added bonus, everyone, from the birthday boy to grandma, couldn’t resist clunking a fun structure together.
John Deere Tractor Kids Flashlight
Flashlight is a useful thing to keep in a car for an emergency. Flashlight is a useful thing to keep in a room. Flashlight is a useful thing to have with you. Tractor is a fun thing. Tractor with a flashlight is indispensable in the eyes of my toddler. Yes, he keeps it in his room. Yes, he holds on to it riding in a car seat. Yes, he carries it everywhere around. Wroom-wroom, goes my toddler, lighting up the bright afternoon hallway ahead of him. It doesn’t matter if it is light or dark: if the flashlight is also a shiny new tractor with a comfy handle, it must be on. Period.
Garden Fresh Fruits & Veggies Playset
This was also a birthday gift. A birthday gift to my the very first birthday of my very first child. And every single one of my boys loved this set so much, that I doubt there was a toddler friend in our midst that hasn’t got this veggie set from us as a gift at his own first, second, even third birthday. This gift is mommy’s greatest helper to cook dinner, run home-errands, and play together with every single one of my boys when they were little! Mom believes it is a perfect collection – some veggies, some fruits, all healthy, all can be broken down into pieces, peeled, and put back together with little Velcro attachments. My two year old believes it is a perfect for tearing it apart, putting back together, presenting to mommy on a cute little toy-plate, mixing in a spare cooking pot while mom is busy in the kitchen, filling up the toy buying cart, or even stuffing inside his favorite toy garbage truck… and putting back together again. We (almost!) didn’t lose any pieces. Almost.
Toy Acoustic Guitar Confetti Musical Instrument
This wasn’t my toddler’s birthday gift at all. My now five year old got this guitar, looking so real, making such real sounds for his birthday (a birthday season is in my house). It was my toddler who completely expropriated it: we had to tie a soft scarf to it for making it easier for the little guy to play and carry it around, but, as the old-times troubadour, he is serenading non-stop. “Wheels… round, – you can hear from every part of the house. Enjoying his guitar so much, that the other day, putting our musical instruments puzzle together, he took out a little wooden guitar piece, placed it on his lap and started off again: “Wheels… round…
Funtime Fishing Toddler Toy
Catching fish in the comfort of your own bathtub? Needn’t say more. Except that I’ve seen that fishing stick migrate from the bathtub and wound up in a living room, enjoyed in the family room sofa. Some fish made it as far as mommy’s bed. Definitely a keeper.
Handheld Vacuum Cleaner
This wasn’t a toy. Yet this was a gift. Probably – one of the very-very best. Real vacuum cleaner?! Yep. My friend surprised my older one with his own racketing-sound-real-deal-